AEA Golf Club New Membership Form
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2020 Season

Please fill in this form, print it, and return with a check for the appropriate dues. The addresses and phone numbers will be made available to tournament directors and club officers in case last minute notifications and/or changes are needed for (rainouts or cancellations) any of our events.

For yearly membership renewals - click here  |  For single event guest memberships - click here

In order to control the cost of insurance, all AEA Club members are required to sign a Waiver and Release of Liability Agreement. This is a one-time requirement - if you have signed the release, you do not need to do so again. (If I ask you to sign a second one, it is because I have lost the original or can't read your signature.)

For AEA Waiver and Release of Liability Agreement - click here
This form is not intended for e-mail or web submission. Please fill in, print, and return with your check.
Membership Categories Check New Memberships - Yearly Dues When Paid In:
Category Description One Jan-May Jun-Aug Sep-Dec
M-1 Aerospace Employees $10 $5 $13
M-2 Aerospace Employees (Retired) $10 $5 $13
A-1 Aerospace Dependents $12 $6 $15
A-2 Active Air Force/SMC Civil Service $12 $6 $15
A-3 Guests $15 $8 $19
Note: After September 1st, new membership dues include dues for the following calendar year.
Member Information (please provide telephone number or e-mail address):
Name: Aerospace and LAAFB Personnel: Please provide Aerospace mail station or LAAFB mail code: Guests: Please provide Aerospace (or AEAGC) point of contact:
Street Address:
City, State & Zip:
e-mail address #1:
e-mail address #2:
 1. Please fill in this form and print it.
 To clear all fields in the form, click this button. 
 2. Return printed form with membership dues (make checks payable to AEAGC) to:
    Lynn Jervik
1701 Sunningdale Rd #53L
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Lynn Jervik @

    Send questions or comments to: AEA Golf Webmaster