The AEA Twilight Golf League has made arrangements to play at Westchester Golf Course beginning on April nth. The League has tentatively scheduled start times from 1600 to 1700 on the 1st hole each Monday night for 20 weeks. Optional closest to the pin contests will also be held. Details on the league format, handicapping system, and rules will be available.
All interested participants are invited to form teams, usually of 5 or 6 players, to field two players for league play each Monday night. The green fees have increased slightly from last year to $565. However, Westchester still maintains a policy that we pay for full foursomes. Therefore, teams should encourage their members to show up to play since we are paying for them.
Team signups should be coordinated by a team captain and the block of individual checks submitted together. A preliminary team sign up sheet with projected team players (include a note if additional players can be accommodated or are desired) would be appreciated as soon as possible. Those interested in playing but without a full team are encouraged to return a form. Every effort will be made to accommodate all registrants on teams.
All players must be members of the AEA Golf Club. Dues must be included with the entry for all players not currently members ($10 Aerospace, $12 Non-Aerospace).
Please submit signup form to: Kevin Aaron at MS M4-917, x61375 or email to
Kevin.R.Aaron@aero.org or
Please submit signup form to: Mike McAndrew at MS
M5-721, x60367 or email to Michael.J.McAndrew@aero.org.
Please have all team members who have not yet signed the AEA Waiver and Release of Liability Agreement do so, and include with the signup form.
A note for those players participating in the Aerospace Alternate Workweek Program - it is the employee's responsibility to make the appropriate arrangements with their management to ensure that their time is properly recorded in accordance with company policies and practices.
Send questions or comments to: AEA Golf Webmaster |