At 11:30 AM on 30 Aug, 2018 we had our meeting of the AEA Amateur Radio Club. We met in building A3, conferene room 2009F. We had Skype up, to share our presentation charts and audio. We also made an audio recording of the meeting.
Our topics included:
1) Kirk’s Vacation Mobile APRS setup
2) AEA October Festival
3) Holiday Party reminder, Proud Bird on 13 Dec
4) We also discussed that Clark would run the morning net-calls, as Ching has an 8 am conflict.
5) Tom will talk about the Chantilly Shack next month
Audio Recording of the meeting:
Audio Player
Attendees were:
– Kirk Crawford KK6KC
– Ching Kong KJ6QBI
– Wayne Wheller K6AHH
– Bob Lanahan KK6WYW
Bob Lanahan