All posts by kirkcrawford

President, AEA Amateur Radio Club

October Meeting

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The October meeting was held in A1/1026 at 11:30 AM on 10/29/15.


  • Kirk Crawford KG6MTE
  • Archie Buchanan KD6OLH
  • Ryan Noguchi AI6DO

Audio of the meeting:

First we discussed the Fan Dipole antenna system Ryan installed in his attic.  Then we talked about the Sky Loop antenna I am thinking of installing.  We looked up the homes on google maps to see the feasibility of these things.

I suggested that in an effort to attract new members and make more hams, the club should purchase some training courses from HamTestOnline.  This is the company I used recently to study for my Extra license.  They have a program called Ham It Forward.  Where you can purchase the Technician course for $15 each (minimum 5) and we give that away to prospective new hams.  We should also assign a club member to be a mentor and help encourage them or answer questions.  It also comes with a free General course that we could give to some other technician in the club that may need it.  Read more about it at their site.  Since we didn’t have a quorum, we didn’t vote to purchase it.

Archie suggested we might want to make the deal even better.  If the prospective Ham passes the test, we could provide them with a free Baofeng 2m/440 radio.  This would give them the ability to get on the net for emergency communications, and would only cost the club $34.

I used the Buddipole system that the club owns on my last business trip and made several successful contacts during the CQ Worldwide DX SSB contest last weekend.  From this experience and from reading the Buddipole in the Field document, I propose purchasing the following Buddipole accessories to enhance the system and make it able to be used in more configurations:

(* added after the meeting)

We also talked about the morning net.  We aren’t having a net anymore because we don’t have a net control person that can be on at 8 am.  One proposal was to try it at another time.  I will send out an email survey to see if it would work better at a different time of day.

Our next meeting is on November 19.  Note this is a different Thursday of the month due to Thanksgiving.

Our Christmas Party will be held at the Proud Bird on December 10.  It is reserved.  We will do the same thing for raffle prizes this year like we did last year with the winner designating their Ham Radio supplier of choice.

After the meeting, Archie donated three 33 foot fiberglass masts (MFJ-1910)  to the club for future field day use.  They are new in box.  They look like they will be perfect for setting up some dipoles or a Sky Loop on Field day.




Kirk Crawford KG6MTE


September Meeting

September Meeting Minutes

Audio of the meeting:



  • Kirk Crawford KG6MTE
  • Don Hall KK6DCX
  • Bob Lanahan

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During this meeting Don gave a presentation on SDR use with HAM Radio, and I gave a report from my impressions of the HAMCON 2015.  See the  slides here:

Slides of September Meeting

Don will present more on the SDR at the next meeting in October.

Our Christmas party at the Proud Bird is scheduled.


August 2015 HAM Radio Club Meeting

11:30 AM 8/20/15 A1-1029

Members in attendance:

  • Don Hall 
  • Kirk Crawford

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We viewed the images from Field Day, and then we discussed ideas for club meetings.

  • Shack Demonstration: Meet in D8 contact CO.
  • Satellite Communications Video  Presentation
  • ARRL Videos
  • Free Ham Radio Class
  • Antenna Theory
  • You Tube HAM Radio DXpedition Video
  • SDR
  • APRS Demo Repeat

We agreed that we need to plan ahead so we can advertise and get new members.

September Meeting: SDR Presentation – Don Hall

We need topics for the October and November meetings.

December: Party- Don has made a reservation at The Proud Bird. We will be there on December 10.

No Audio this meeting.


Kirk Crawford

President AEA Amateur Radio Club


Meeting Location Change

Note: Location Change

Our next meeting will be held on July 30, at 11:30 AM in A1/1735.  This is a new meeting location.  I hope to see you all there, we will go over the field day, and our budget for the next year.

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Field Day Location Change

We’re not at VC1 for field day. The trailer wasn’t moved so we are on Douglas at the end of A6 where the Above all, if you want to cure irregular menstruation that affected by pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, thyroid issues, kidney, and liver diseases may also cause Zoloft birth defects get viagra australia to newborns. Researchers have evaluated levitra vardenafil generic the antimicrobial properties of this plant. If a person is facing some heart disease, has under gone some heart surgery in the past, even then it is advised that you consult the physician and can go with higher dose but once in a while getting an erection, which Full Report cheap viagra is absolutely normal. Cardiovascular DiseasesImpotence occurs when the nerves that control blood flow to the penis are ordering viagra online damaged. trailer normally lives. If you are coming here park in the lot South of A6 and walk North to the West of A6.

6 Meter Article

At the last meeting we discussed the use of 6 Meters for the Field Day. You have to log in to the particular site and levitra online fill up a form with personal information like name, corresponding address, age, payment process etc. Smoking, extreme liquor or medication utilizes, poor dietary patterns, and heedless tadalafil viagra conduct cans all outcomes in serious physical issues and the requirement for therapeutic services. Life satisfaction tends to be higher in egalitarian countries; people will experience less inequality and be able to choose that best fit their abilities and desires where equality levitra professional cheapest is more prominently displayed. The order cheap cialis Click Here outcome demonstrated that around 80% seen a marked improvement into their new hair growth along with denseness.   Don Hall found this interesting article that gives a good overview of the band:

June 25, 2015 Meeting Minutes

See attached audio file for a recording of the meeting.

In attendance were:

  • Archie Buchanan KD6OLH
  • Ryan Noguchi AI6DO
  • Don Hall KK6DCX
  • Kirk Crawford KG6MTE

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We discussed many aspects of the field day preparations.  It is this Saturday!  Come join us.  We are setting up at 8:00 AM at Visitor Center 1 (on El Segundo Blvd)

Listen to the audio for more information about the meeting.  We are planning to make do with what we have for field day.  Pull stuff from the A3 shack on Saturday morning.   Ill bring some fuel for the generator and Ill check with Jason on the movement of the trailer.




Kirk Crawford

May 21, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Five members in attendance: Kirk Crawford KG6MTE, Donald Hall KK6DCX, Ryan Noguchi AI6DO, Phil Martzen KK6PSA, and Teresa Moore AG6OD

Discussed putting a current club inventory and a list of things that can be checked out by members on the web site. Ryan will work with Joe to categorize the D8 shack, including creating a block diagram of how everything is connected and directions on how to use various equipment.

Field Day: 1800 UTC Saturday to 2059 UTC Sunday = 11 am Saturday through 3 pm Sunday

We will use the trailer as a base again this year, and park it at VC1. This year’s goal is to stay longer and make more contacts than we did last year. Don will be our publicity chair and contact the Orbiter and or Aerospace photographer to cover the event, as well as consider external media and inviting distinguished guests. Ryan will bring over equipment from the D8 shack. Kirk and Teresa will work on logistics, including loading the trailer, bringing over equipment from the A2 shack (easy up, banner, antennas, etc.), moving the radios in the trailer so that they are far enough apart that a different person could work each station, coordinating signups, and getting folding tables and chairs for the event. Kirk will coordinate getting the trailer moved after 11 am on Friday.

  • Things that need to be done in preparation for Field Day:
  • load trailer
  • space out radios
  • install circuit board in KX3 (Kirk)
  • buy headphones
  • get permission from Security
  • buy tower
  • look into off-center fed multi-band dipole antenna
  • move solar system over to trailer
  • make sure batteries are charged
  • make sure we have enough extension cables/feed lines
  • order table/chairs to set up under easy up
  • masts for 3 VHF/UHF antennas and one HF antenna
  • guy lines for masts
  • check out mics
  • gasoline for generator

Plan for stations: 2m, 220, 440 in trailer, Kenwood HF rig in trailer, KX3 HF rig, Teresa’s Yaesu FT920

Kirk will bring laptop and logging software

Do we want to try a laptop for digital modes?

Everyone should bring snacks/drinks

Other upcoming events: HamCon in Torrance September 11-13

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Proposed Wheels for Generator

Here is the proposed wheels for the generator that we will use for Field Day.  Click it to go to the source.

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Generator Wheels
Generator Wheels

Antenna Test #2

We made contact!

The antenna test #2 yesterday from the Emergency Communications Trailer was a success!  We made full contact with KB5HA a station in Albeuquerque NM on 20 meters with the Crank IR antenna and our Kenwood radio.

We also sort of made contact with a station in Pierre, South Dakota, KE0MPH. We could hear him just fine, but he could only tell that we were transmitting, not understand us.  Our ground plane on the Crank IR was not pointing in the optimal direction for him.

We also made contact with our own station in D8 on both the Kenwood with the Crank IR and the KX3 with the Buddipole.  We didn’t have the Amp or the Microphone for the KX3 so we didn’t try for further distance with that setup.  The D8 contact was made with CW on the KX3.
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Best Regards,


Kirk Crawford – KG6MTE- AEA Amateur Radio Club President