All posts by kirkcrawford

President, AEA Amateur Radio Club

March 2021 Meeting

Banner for March Meeting, Solar Cycle 25

Solar Cycle 25 – K9LA

Meeting Recording

See recording here. (Won’t work for non-Aerospace people)

Meeting Slides

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80M Vertical Straightening

Now Straighter 80M Vertical on the roof of D8

I met with Albert (KD6NSG) this morning on the top of D8 and we went over the antennas that we have there. We saw that the 80M vertical had drooped over quite a bit, and we were able to straighten it up a bit with an adjustment of the guy lines. It does look like there is a kink in it, but it should be better now. It may have also lost one of the rods in the top hat too.

We confirmed that in addition to the above, we have our big beam antenna, plus what looks like a EME setup. It is not hooked up anymore, but it has two long yagis on a Az/El mount and a third Bi Polarized yagi connected to the AZ portion. This may be able to be restored to service in the future.

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There is another vertical that seems to be in good service, but the radials should be sorted out better. Based on the height, I suspect it is a 6 or 10M vertical.


Kirk KK6KC

2021 February Meeting

UFER Grounds

Recording of the Meeting

Meeting Slides

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Presentation Slides

January 2021 Meeting

January Meeting Title
Meeting Invitation Slide
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Recording of the meeting:

Holiday Party 2020

We had our virtual Holiday Party on Thursday December 17 at 11:30 AM via Teams.

Here is a copy of the slides:

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Here is a recording of the meeting

November 2020 Meeting

Our meeting was held via Microsoft Teams at 11:30AM to 12:30 PM on November 19, 2020.

It was a show and tell of things various club members did this year in HAM Radio.

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Here is the link to the recording of the meeting.

August 2020 Meeting

On August 27, 2020 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM we had a HAM Club Meeting via Skype. Carl Foster, KB7AZ, gave a presentation on Evaluating RF Exposure of Amateur Radio Stations.

We had a presentation by Carl Unfortunately, there was no recording, but the slides presented are here.

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I also presented a slide about our budget that we submitted to the AEA. It is in the PDF below.

September 2019 Meeting

The August AEA Amateur Radio Club (AGO) meeting took place Thursday, September 26, 2019 in A3/1607B (cafe). The meeting was in person and on Skype.

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September Meeting Audio Recording

Attendees (in person):

  • -Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • -Ching Kong KJ6QBI
  • -Victor Lin AJ6LA
  • -Bob Lanahan KK6WYW
  • Skype Attendance:
  • -Tom Fagan
  • -Andrew Lin
  • -Victor Lin


  1. Kirk presented the meeting slides.
  2. Cert Exercise, 30 Oct
  3. Current activities and possible future presentation
    1. Bob: RF Dongle Presentation & NBEAMS
    2. Kirk: FT8 on Raspberry Pi
    3. Andrew: SDR GNU Radio
    4. Victor: Low Cost Vector Network Analyzer
    5. Tom: Stealth Antenna, EMI, HF CW, FT8, Giving lots of talks, grounding, bonding, lightning protection
  4. Holiday Party, Proud Bird, Wed, 11 Dec, 11 am. Ching will get the projector. Also need extension cord.

May 2019 Meeting

We had our May meeting on 5/30/2019


  • Zachary Warren KM6ULP
  • Andrew Lin KM6TWS
  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Scott Simpson N6LEM
  • Jim Latimer KD6YWW
  • Bob Oberto (Skype)

Sorry, there was no Audio Recording of the meeting

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Meeting discussion was mostly Field Day planning

April 2019 Meeting

We had our April meeting on 4/25/2019

Meeting Audio
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  • Bob Lanahan
  • Andrew Lin KM6TWS
  • Ching Kong KJ6QBi
  • Ryan Noguchi – Skype
  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC

Sorry, no minutes were recorded. It was mostly discussion of field day plans.