All posts by kirkcrawford

President, AEA Amateur Radio Club

Field Day Preparation Report

5/11/16 Field Day preparation

Kirk, Teresa, Ching, Bob

We finalized our location and will be setting up on top of the parking structure. Unless a lot more people express interest in coming we will not set up multiple locations this year.

Radios: We will be using the Kenwood and KX-3 HF radios and the three VHF/UHF radios from the trailer. We will use the two power supplies from the trailer, one for the two HF radios and the other for the three VHF/UHF radios.

Antennas/masts: For VHF, we have the multiband Comet CX-333 antenna (2m, 440 MHz, 220 MHz), a 2 m F23A vertical, a 220 MHz F142 vertical, and a 440 MHz beam with rotator in the trailer. There is a 440 vertical in a shack somewhere. We have 2 10’ masts in the trailer and a 5’ mast in the A2 shack.

For HF, we have the CrankIR for the Kenwood and the Buddipole for the KX-3 in the trailer. We plan to also build/buy a 40 m beam to be used with the Kenwood. We have 3 33’ masts that we can use for this, we need one more. We can use the light pole in the parking structure for the center mast.

As an aside, we also saw a 80/40/20/15/10 vertical in the A2 shack and plan to set that up as the HF antenna for the A2 shack.

Feed Lines: The Buddipole has its own long feed line. We found one 50’ and one 100’ feedline, but the 100’ line has the big N-type connectors.

Power: Need to make a power cable to go from the generator to the stations. The A2 shack has a 100’ 15A cable and a power strip. We’ll need extension cables and plug strips for each table.

Computers: Kirk will bring his laptop/software. Teresa may bring a laptop as well, in which case we would need to buy another copy of the software and figure out how to connect the two computers or log the results from two different computers.


  • 4 headsets
  • 1 10-ft mast to strap to wall for VHF/UHF verticals. (We have a 5’ section in the A2 shack)
  • Gear for strapping masts to the parking structure wall (ratcheting nylon straps)
  • 3 50’ feedlines
  • 8 adaptors from N-type connector to normal RF connector
  • 30A/125 V NEMA L5-30 connector
  • 100’ of 30-A rated cable
  • Regular 30A/125 V connector for other end of generator cable
  • AC splitter
  • 2 100’ extension cords
  • 2 power strips
  • 40 m beam antenna (or everything to make one)
  • 500’ of rope + pulley (so we can use light pole in parking structure as the center mast for the 40m beam)
  • One more 33’ mast for the fourth end support for the 40-m beam
  • 4 large pipe clamps
  • 4 3’ sections of pipe
  • Whatever is needed for the KX-3/Buddipole setup
  • 3 lamps for the tables
  • Possibly another copy of the software (if we have multiple laptops)

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  • Order 3 tables and 8 chairs from facilities
  • Have security cordon off parts of the parking structure (ideally by 11 am on Friday so we can start setting up Friday)
  • Make adaptors to hook KX-3 to power supply
  • Figure out what the various unmarked antennas in the A2 shack are and mark them
  • Move canopy in A2 shack to trailer
  • * Figure out how to log results from two computers

April 2016 Meeting Minutes

Audio of the Meeting:

Slides of the meeting

AEA Amateur Radio Club meeting 4/28/16

Members in attendance:

  • KK6KC Kirk Crawford
  • AG6OD Teresa Moore
  • KJ6QBI Ching Kong
  • KK6WYW Bob Lanahan
  • KK6PSA Phil Martzen

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Repeater Status: WB6VMV repeater is fixed, just needs to be connected to the controller, which will happen 4/29/16. We will keep the net on W6HA for Monday and then switch back to WB6VMV on Tuesday May 3.

Field Day: the El Segundo gate is now closed on weekends, so VC1 is not an available location for Field Day. We can use VC2 and/or the parking structure. In the parking structure, we can use pipe clamps or big nylon straps to attach antennas to the wall. At VC2, the trailer would be parked to the north of the building. If only a few people plan to come to Field Day, we will not set up at two locations. The final location(s) will be determined at the next meeting.

Everyone that is bringing personal gear to Field Day should get it ready. Be sure to bring a self-contained system (except for power, which we will provide from the generator.)

Teresa will run the Kenwood HF rig and Kirk will be in charge of the KX3. We may want to set up a 40-m beam.

On May 11 at 11:30 we will meet at the trailer to do an inventory of the five rigs that will be used on Field Day. Then we will make a list of things to purchase before Field Day.

A2 shack: Bob Lanahan was designated at the new custodian for this shack and tasked with inventorying what is there and determining if we need to purchase anything.

Budget: We have $8K in the bank.

Ideas for spending money included:

  • Create an A6 shack
  • Upgrade D8 shack
  • Waterfall display dongles (3) with upconverter
  • Heil headphone sets (5)
  • New microphone for Kenwood
  • Portable tower w/ 20 meter beam so we can hit COS/Chantilly after a big earthquake


DX Convention April 15-17

DX Convention LogoThe International DX Convention is coming up in Visalia on April 15-17.


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March Meeting Moved to A1/1029 A-B

Our March meeting has been moved to A1/1029 A-B,  (Atlas I and II, x64186, x64187).  It will be next week, March 31, at 11:30 AM.

We will have discussion of field day preparations among other things. cheapest viagra 100mg Rather than spending thousands of dollars securing celebs for marketing campaigns, he simply gives his newfound friends free merchandise. She is viagra pfizer canada a nice person with a permit can drive under supervision from a parent or a guardian. Erectile dysfunction drug is one of viagra no prescription fast the major reasons behind the choice is the fear associated with natural birth, especially when it comes to single moms. Few things to take care when you are using Kamagra & ordering it purchase cheap viagra online.  


El Segundo Repeater Status

From Mike Worshum:

 Good news, the City purchased a nice industrial battery and a battery maintenance charger. Since I’m leaving town for a few days I dropped the repeater off with Carl Jacobson. He will get with his contact at Mattel and set up a date and time to install it. I’ll make another announcement once it’s on air.

The controller will have to be programed for the correct time but I can do that remotely. The other announcements should be in the controller memory. Please pass along to the club this status.

It looks like we will be back to the El Segundo repeater soon.
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Possible Field Day Location: Top of Parking Structure

(Copied from emails)

Kirk Crawford:

Parking Structure at AGO
Parking Structure at AGO

After our last meeting I had an idea that we might think of as an alternative field day location.  We could set up on the Parking Structure.  I would propose that we install the antennas on the roof/top level of the structure, and then have our tables/radios on the level below that.  We wouldn’t be able to use the EOC trailer, but we would get a significant height advantage for the antennas.  It would not be as easy for retirees and others to get to since it is significantly past the security gates.  What do you guys think?  I got the idea from the South Bay Amateur Radio club that does their field day in the Torrance Memorial parking structure.

Archie Buchanan:
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You are right, there would be a great spot for radios and antennas. It would be great.

Teresa Moore

Interesting idea.  We’d get better signal, but it’s harder logistically.  I’ll likely have my kids with me, and the nearest bathroom is in A6, and I can’t just send them there without going with them to badge them in.  It would also be harder for a city council person (or whatever public figure we solicit) to show up.  On the other hand, we don’t have to rely on Security to move the trailer.

Who is planning to come to the Aerospace Field Day?  I was planning to be there for at least a few hours (my husband will be doing a Field Day exercise with his unit so he won’t be there and I’ll have all three kids, at least one of which is old enough to work a station for a while under a licensed station control operator).  

February 2016 Meeting Minutes


AEA Amateur Radio Club Meeting

In attendance:

  • Teresa Moore AG6OD
  • Archie Buchanan KD6OLH
  • Don Putnick NA6Z
  • Ching Kong KJ6QBI
  • Gerrit Sorenson
  • Don Hall KK6DCX
  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC

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Kirk gave a repeater report; repeater is fixed and will be installed once the backup battery is purchased.

The club has more Ham It Forward licenses to give out, so if you know anyone at Aerospace that might be interested in getting an amateur radio license then let them know about this free resource.

The D8 shack is being used for contesting, Ryan Noguchi March 19-20 for various contests.  The shack is available to any member who would like to participate.

The HF net to COS occurred in January, but the February net was canceled.  We will try to check in to the March net on March 2 at 9 am in the D8 shack.

Kirk gave a report on the upgrades to the Buddipole.

We are starting preparation for Field Day.  We need volunteers for the following positions:

PR coordinator (Don Hall)

HF Rig 1 (Kenwood) coordinator

HF Rig 2 (KX3) coordinator

VHF Rigs coordinator

Location and Trailer Movement coordinator (Kirk Crawford)

Please let Kirk know if you are interested in volunteering for one of these positions.  We will most likely use VC 1 again as our Field Day location.  We need to figure out what antennas we plan to use.

Tuesday March 15 we will plan to set up the Buddipole antenna and one of the HF radios in the VC1 parking lot and try to make some contacts.

The D8 remote operations plan is still not functional.  There were various problems which were never overcome.

January 2016 Meeting Minutes


AEA Amateur Radio Club Meeting

In attendance:  KK6DCX Don Hall, KK6WYW Bob Lanahan, AG6OD Teresa Moore

The daily net has been going well.

Teresa gave a report on the repeater status.  Mike Worshum is working the issue.  Dave Ping repaired the repeater but they still need to purchase a new backup battery which will require a vote from the city council.  In the meantime, we are welcome to use the Hughes repeater.
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There was a CERT exercise scheduled for February, Don Hall will check with Jason Bayonne as to the status on that.

It would be good to have a computer for the A3 shack so that the net email can be sent directly from there.  Don will check into that.

No one knew the status of the monthly net with the Colorado and Chantilly offices.

We need to start thinking about Field Day, and schedule some lunchtime practices where we set up antennas and try to make contact.

Yuma Hamfest Feb 19-20, 2016

I got this from Roger Hunt Director of the Yuma Hamfest:


The Yuma Hamfest is just three months away on February 19-20, and we request the assistance of you, your club or group in spreading the word about our event.  Yuma has become the site of one of the largest hamfests in the southwestern U.S. and will be the ARRL SW Division Convention for 2016.

We feature commercial vendors, tailgating, grand prizes worth over $18,000, on-site RV camping, free parking, seminars held in parallel tracks, $5.00 amateur license testing, DXCC card checking, an antenna clinic & transmitter hunt, our famous “Buzzard BBQ” dinner, a near-space balloon launch, great hourly door prizes, a hospitality area, the “Country Store” consignment sales area, and much more.

Admission is only $5, tailgating spots are $10 for the weekend, and we offer a food concession run by a professional chef.  Our now-famous “Buzzard BBQ” dinner is only $10.  We hope you and members of your club mark February 19-20 on your calendars and plan on attending the SW Division Convention in Yuma.

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Flyer for the 2016 Yuma Hamfest.

Roger Hunt, K7MEX

Director, Yuma Hamfest


Field Day 2015 Photos

This is just an archive of the photos from Field Day 2015 for W6AGOIMG_0739 IMG_0738 IMG_0737 IMG_0735 IMG_0734 IMG_0729 IMG_0727 IMG_0726 DSC_0020 DSC_0018 DSC_0017Are you enjoying your life? A lot of people are there who desire to enjoy their love life, but they only offer temporary relief. cheap cialis from canada A urologist is a physician who diagnoses and treat diseases in diseases of the urinary tract in both men and women, including urologic cancers, urinary incontinence, buy generic viagra male sexual dysfunction, pelvic pain, male infertility, urinary Tract Stones, Neuro-Urology, Renal Transplantation, and Erectile Dysfunction. You viagra sales online have to be alert to capture the opportunities that political and economic realignment around the world will bring. This is said to be truly efficient and effective for the online doctor viagra treatment of erectile dysfunction. /> DSC_0016 DSC_0015 DSC_0014 DSC_0012 DSC_0011 DSC_0010 DSC_0006 DSC_0005 DSC_0001 20150627_173723 20150627_173657 20150627_173637