Category Archives: Meeting

December Christmas Party Update

We had our annual Christmas Party at the Proud Bird on December 11, 2017.

Here is a link to the slides.

15 members attended:

  1. Don Hall KK6DCX
  2. Joseph Fares
  3. Joseph Pham AB6TK
  4. Bernard Yoo KI6NVD
  5. Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
  6. Ryan Noguchi AI6DO
  7. Victor Lin KK6RZO
  8. Don Taylor K6DA
  9. Teresa Moore AG60D
  10. Albert Leong KD6NSE
  11. Philip Martzen KK6PSA
  12. Bob Lanahan KK6WYW
  13. Wayne Wheeler W6AHH
  14. Tracie Hall
  15. Kirk Crawford KK6KC

The food was great.  We had BBQ Brisket.  The election was held, and the only change is Bob Lanahan is our new club secretary.  Thank you Teresa for your service.  Welcome Bob!

The raffle was held and the prizes where thus:

  • $300 Don Taylor
  • $200 Philip Martzen
  • $100 Joe Barger
  • $50 Don Hall
  • $50 Bernie Yoo
  • $50 Teresa Moore
  • $50 Bob Lanahan

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Joseph Fares and Tracie Hall are new members to the club.

In the new year we will have a presentation at the January club meeting by Tom on his home-built magnetic loop antenna.  Great to use for those of you in HOA communities.

In February, we will have a presentation by Tamitha Skov, about Space Weather and how it interacts with HF Propagation.

A special thanks goes to Don Hall for organizing the event.  Thanks Don!


Happy Holidays !



July 27, 2017 AEA Amateur Radio Club Meeting

AEA Amateur Radio Club meeting was held at 11:30 am on 7/27/17.  

Ten people were in attendance, two of whom joined at this meeting:

  • Teresa Moore AG6OD
  • Don Hall KK6DCX
  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
  • Ryan Noguchi AI6DO
  • Victor Lin KK6RZO
  • Bob Lanahan KK6WYW
  • NEW MEMBER Susan McCormack K6SUZ
  • NEW MEMBER Wayne Wheeler  W6AHH
  • Joe Barger N6KK

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 The meeting started with a report on this year’s Field Day and a discussion of what we should remember for next year.  Then we discussed the budget, including plans for upgrading the A2 shack HF radio and antenna.  Finally, HamCon is coming to Torrance this fall, September 15-17.  Besides interesting talks, there will be an opportunity for an added cost to tour the radio room on the battleship Iowa.  More information on all of these topics is available in the powerpoint presentation, which can be found on the club web site.

The meeting ended with a raffle.  All members including the new members received a free raffle ticket.  Victor won a Pixie transceiver, Don got the heat shrink tubing, Kirk got a helping hands tool, and Susan got the tape measure.

Wayne volunteered to do a presentation on his project to rebuild a 1928 HF radio.  He is on the calendar for the October meeting.

Teresa Moore

July 2017 Meeting Slides

January 2017 Meeting Minutes

Audio of the meeting:

    Members in attendance:

  • Kirk KK6KC
  • Teresa AG6OD
  • Bob KK6WYW

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14 members have paid dues for 2017

Holiday reports:

Kirk talked about using APRS during his recent RV trip.  His system involved a little Bluetooth APRS tracker device, a radio, and an old phone running APRSdroid.

Tom did a SOTA hike and got at least 4 contacts.

Bob studied for his General license and takes the exam on Saturday.  He may do a SOTA hike after the exam.

New Business:

Bob needs a computer for the A2 shack.  Kirk will look into getting a redeployed system from the Aerospace loan pool.

Some of the radios in the A2 shack have issues.  One doesn’t tune and another doesn’t receive well but seems to transmit OK using a 10 m horizontal dipole on the penthouse roof.  We may want to put an inverted V dipole on the penthouse.

Antenna survey for the A2 shack will take place Thursday Feb 2 at 1 pm for antenna planning.

    Upcoming Events:

  • 1/28-29 Winter Field Day
  • 1/28  Montana QSO party
  • 1/28 TRW swap meet
  • 2/4 Palm Springs Hamfest
  • 2/4 Vermont QSO party
  • 2/17-18 Yuma Hamfest
  • 6/24-25 Field Day (Kirk will be out of town)

1st prize to Bob who picked the 40 m transceiver kit
2nd prize to Kirk who picked the heat shrink tubing set
3rd prize to Teresa  who got the diagonal cutters

2016 Christmas Party

Audio File of the meeting:

Christmas Party Attendees

Radio Club Christmas Party 2016

13 people in attendance.

Kirk highlighted 2016 accomplishments:

  • Morning net done at 8 am usually by Ching, sometimes by Clark or Teresa; El Segundo repeater was down for a while so we used the Hughes repeater until it got fixed
  • HF net nearly every month, several successes; starting to add digital modes
  • Ham-It-Forward was successful; Tom passed his general exam and Jason, Gerrit, and Anthony got the tech packages; two tech packages are still available. We voted to get another set for next year.
  • Field Day was a success, with 5 people, 25 contacts, 4 hours on the air, 10 hours total; next year we may try SSB on 2 m
  • Octoberfest: Tom and Bob demonstrated PSK and JT65, Anthony Lim won the radio
  • CERT event: many lessons learned, our capability to support the company in the event of disaster was improved

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Election of officers:  No one else wanted to volunteer so the slate of officers remains the same, Kirk as President, Don as VP, Joe as treasurer, and Teresa as secretary.

Raffle Winners:

  •  $300 Jess
  • $200 Albert
  • $100 Don Hall
  • $50 Archie
  • $50 Bob
  • $50 Don Taylor
  • $50 Teresa

Meetings for next year:

  •                 January:  Tom, Winlink presentation
  •                 March:  Tom/Bob, SOTA presentation
  •                 April:  Bob, APRS presentation
  •                 May:  Field Day Prep
  •                 July:  Field Day Review
  •                 September:  Bob, 2m tape measure antenna (everyone builds one during the meeting)

August 17: the astronomy club is going to Rexburg, Idaho to watch the eclipse, we could partner with them

Merry Christmas Everyone!

September Club Meeting

Radio club meeting 9-29-16

Members present:  Ryan, Teresa, Tom, Kirk, Ching

A6 shack:  The D8 shack will eventually go away if Aerospace gets rid of D8, the A2 shack is in need of some work, the A3 shack is owned by Security, and the D1 shack is VHF/UHF only and is on a private lab bench.  A new shack in A6 could provide additional capability as well as a roof-mounted antenna that could be used by the trailer (in the event that the building is still standing but not accessible to personnel.)  So far, all of the proposed rooms (the electrical room and the stairwell) have been rejected by management.  The new proposals include the old networking room and a Tuff Shed on the roof.  Electrical rooms in general may be problematic, which may spell trouble for the D8 and A2 shacks.

For A3, we need a replacement HF antenna as the old one is missing.  The two proposed choices are the Cushcraft R9 or the GAP Eagle DX.  Contact Kirk with your preference.

AEA Octoberfest:  Wed Oct 19 from 11-1.  We’ll have a table, 2 chairs, a canopy, and electricity.  Bob and Tom will be there and others are welcome to join them.  They will have the Buddipole, radio, and computer hooked up and will do a JT65 demo.

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Kirk’s satellite contact:  Arrow antenna.  50-50 Saudisat 1-C.  Heavens above app.

San Diego Hamfest was Saturday, Ham Con is coming to Torrance next year.

Christmas party:  Don will coordinate again.

Raffle:  Tom won first prize and chose the headlamp; Kirk won second and chose the screw driver set, and Teresa won third and got the tape measure.


August Meeting Minutes

August 25 11:30 AM A3/2009F

Audio from the meeting:

In Attendance:

  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Tom Esenpreis KB9ENS
  • Ryan Noguchi AI6DO
  • Jason Bayonne
  • Don Hall KK6DCX

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See the slides here

Kirk Showed pictures and discussed a recent business trip to Maui where he brought his amateur radio and the club’s buddipole antenna system.


We will have a trailer cleanup day on October 6 at 11:30 AM at the EOC trailer in the West Parking area of A6.


October 26 from 9AM to 11AM there will be a CERT exercise that needs Amateur Radio volunteers.  It looks like we need 5 people.   We need to select a simplex frequency to use.  147.510 on 2m, but we are thinking of picking one on 70cm to avoid interference with the security radios.


We discussed budget items, and it was put forth to get new VHF radios before next year’s field day.


We also discussed ways to get more people to come to the meetings, and we may have a raffle at the meetings in the future.

Listen to the audio for the full information.




Kirk Crawford


June 2016 Meeting Minutes

AEA Radio Club Meeting 6/30/16

Audio of the meeting:

Slides from the meeting


6 people in attendance

  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Don Hall KK6DCX
  • Phil Martzen KK6PSA
  • Teresa Moore AG6OD
  • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
  • Ching Kong KJ6QBI

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Field Day Report:

Kirk, Don, Phil, Teresa, Emily Conroy, and Korede Oladimeji participated in our club Field Day event, which was held on the top two floors of the parking structure.  We made 25 HF contacts on the 20m and 40 m bands.  No VHF/UHF contacts were made.  We started around 12-1 pm and started shutting down around 4-5 pm.  We made HF contacts in 13 sections, from California to Canada to Oklahoma.


Lessons Learned:

  • The fiberglass masts are too floppy for the heavy VHF antennas. Next year replace them with 10’ aluminum masts
  • The 440 VHF antenna should be vertical rather than horizontal
  • Next year replace the three VHF/UHF setups with one multiband setup
  • Next year try 20m, 40m, and 80m dipole antennas as inverted Vs, one over each light pole
  • Need to be able to use the headset microphones and push-to-talk button (did not work)
  • Buy what we need for digital modes and try having a digital setup next year
  • Need to replace the mike stand for the Kenwood
  • Next year have a Field Day “practice” where we set up and try out our systems, especially the VHF/UHF setup, coordinating communications with someone in a shack or on a handheld.
  • Make a list of VHF/UHF simplex frequencies for next year


Trailer Cleanup:

A meeting was scheduled for July 6 at 11:30 to work on putting the radios back in the trailer and organize our equipment in the trailer. [OOPS I forgot about this! – KK6KC]



The budget is due July 15.  Some ideas for budget items were:

  • Labeled plastic bins to organize supplies in the trailer
  • Field day equipment mentioned above
  • Better power strips
  • Line filters/power conditioners
  • Equipment for the A6 shack
  • D8 shack SDR
  • VHF/UHF antenna analyzer
  • Pan adapter for KX3
  • HRD software
  • Whatever we need for the APRS emergency communication plan (Ryan is supposed to spec this out; we can use a Buddipole antenna set for 30 m)


The library has radio club books that belong to us that they need us to store during the library remodel.  Kirk will let us know what we’ve got when he finds out and may need additional storage space depending on how many books there are. [EDIT It was only a single book, General Class learning guide from 2007.  Out of date so I had it recycled.]


Meeting Ideas

We discussed ideas for future meetings.  These ideas included:

  • Antennas for condominiums
  • DXpedition videos
  • Field Day videos (what do other clubs do?)
  • Digital modes (Teresa’s husband Dustin has been doing a lot of digital stuff lately and could give a presentation.)

If you have other ideas or would be willing to present something to the club, please comment below or email Kirk

May 26, 2016 Meeting Notes

Audio of the meeting:

Members in attendance:

  • Ryan Noguchi AI6DO
  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Don Hall KK6DCX
  • Teresa Moore AG6OD
  • Joe Barger N6KK

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We had some discussion about the upcoming Field Day. We considered what we could do for a 20 or 40 meter wire beam antenna on top of the parking structure and how we would keep the driven element and the reflector parallel to each other. However, given that we expect very few people to be available to do Field Day with the club, we decided to just stick with the antennas we already have: the CrankIR and Buddipole for HF and the verticals attached to the fiberglass masts for UHF/VHF. We will probably run a 20 m station and either 40 or 15, depending on conditions that day.

On the Wednesday before Field Day, we will put up signs advising people to not park in the travel parking on the 4th floor and the North-East section of the 3rd floor. Cones and tape will be put out Thursday afternoon to block off parking spaces, and tables and chairs will be delivered to the 3rd floor Friday afternoon. All equipment will be moved Saturday morning. Kirk will bring 5 gallons of gas for the generator. We won’t invite any external visitors (like city council, press, etc.)

For general emergency use, we discussed having a 30 m APRS system that can send an email out in case of emergency. Ryan will spec out a system and report back. We will also want to be able to communicate with COS/Chantilly on voice, which can be set up over email via APRS.

Kirk brought up the point that during the A6 evacuation a couple months back, the security radios caused a lot of interference on our standard go-to 2 meter simplex frequency (147.51 MHz). He suggested trying a 440 simplex frequency. We would have to test to see how far we can get with 440 simplex. If there is someone with access to a real antenna, we might be able to relay messages.

It was recommended that we purchase the Yamaha CM500 headsets for the rigs in the trailer and for Field Day use.

Kirk reported that he had asked about putting an A6 shack in an electrical room on the second floor of A6. Maintenance people got upset about us using the electrical rooms in general. We will be cleaning to be sure that we are not blocking any electrical panels in any of our shacks in electrical rooms, especially in A2. Kirk is waiting for approval on the A6 shack but will put together a preliminary list including costs for budgeting purposes.

Joe wants to buy a good Software Defined Radio for the D8 shack.

Budgets are due in July so we should allocate/spend money now.

April 2016 Meeting Minutes

Audio of the Meeting:

Slides of the meeting

AEA Amateur Radio Club meeting 4/28/16

Members in attendance:

  • KK6KC Kirk Crawford
  • AG6OD Teresa Moore
  • KJ6QBI Ching Kong
  • KK6WYW Bob Lanahan
  • KK6PSA Phil Martzen

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Repeater Status: WB6VMV repeater is fixed, just needs to be connected to the controller, which will happen 4/29/16. We will keep the net on W6HA for Monday and then switch back to WB6VMV on Tuesday May 3.

Field Day: the El Segundo gate is now closed on weekends, so VC1 is not an available location for Field Day. We can use VC2 and/or the parking structure. In the parking structure, we can use pipe clamps or big nylon straps to attach antennas to the wall. At VC2, the trailer would be parked to the north of the building. If only a few people plan to come to Field Day, we will not set up at two locations. The final location(s) will be determined at the next meeting.

Everyone that is bringing personal gear to Field Day should get it ready. Be sure to bring a self-contained system (except for power, which we will provide from the generator.)

Teresa will run the Kenwood HF rig and Kirk will be in charge of the KX3. We may want to set up a 40-m beam.

On May 11 at 11:30 we will meet at the trailer to do an inventory of the five rigs that will be used on Field Day. Then we will make a list of things to purchase before Field Day.

A2 shack: Bob Lanahan was designated at the new custodian for this shack and tasked with inventorying what is there and determining if we need to purchase anything.

Budget: We have $8K in the bank.

Ideas for spending money included:

  • Create an A6 shack
  • Upgrade D8 shack
  • Waterfall display dongles (3) with upconverter
  • Heil headphone sets (5)
  • New microphone for Kenwood
  • Portable tower w/ 20 meter beam so we can hit COS/Chantilly after a big earthquake


March Meeting Moved to A1/1029 A-B

Our March meeting has been moved to A1/1029 A-B,  (Atlas I and II, x64186, x64187).  It will be next week, March 31, at 11:30 AM.

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