April 2019 Meeting

We had our April meeting on 4/25/2019

Meeting Audio
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  • Bob Lanahan
  • Andrew Lin KM6TWS
  • Ching Kong KJ6QBi
  • Ryan Noguchi – Skype
  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC

Sorry, no minutes were recorded. It was mostly discussion of field day plans.

June 2019 Meeting

The June AEA Amateur Radio Club (AGO) meeting took place Wed, 11:30 – 12:15 am, Jun 26, 2019 in A3/1607B.

Meeting Audio Recording
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  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Ryan Noguchi AI6DO
  • Ching Kong KJ6QBI
  • Bob Oberto
  • Andrew Lin KM6TWS
  • Joshua Insel KK6LNE
  • Bob Lanahan


Kirk presented slides – primary focus was regarding our successful
ARRL field day on Sat, 22 Jun.

Additional Lessons Learned and Discussion:

  1. Andrew notes there was a lot of noise on HF, what was the source? Try battery power only test next year?
  2. Ching suggested the home improvement club has power system, option for next year?
  3. Ryan pointed out there are a lot of users on 20 meters, might have more luck on 40m or 15m?
  4. Kirk suggested we make a point to contact Chantilly and COS next year, have plan and cell numbers.
  5. Plan for Bob to accomplish Winlink task on the 440 Antenna, goal to complete in 30 mins.
  6. Plan to use digital, look for our signal propagation quality early. Could bring RF dongle also.

Other News:

A3 has passed hardware scanning phase, A3 shack should be ours soon.
Kirk suggested we use tower for A2 HF antenna, guy wires from the parapet walls.

March 2019 Meeting

The March AEA Amateur Radio Club (AGO) meeting took place March 28, 2019 in A3/2226 VTC MMC.

Meeting Audio

Meeting Audio (Not of the video though)


  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Guy Schaefer W0TTU (Omaha)
  • Thomas Fagan K7DF (Tucson)
  • Ching Kong KJ6QBI
  • Wayne Wheeler W6AHH
  • Ryan Noguchi AI6DA (remote)
  • Andrew Lin KM6TWS
  • News
    • A3 Shack is nearly ours
      • All paperwork has been signed by club officers, and submitted to security. We have not received anything back from property yet indicating that the transfer has been completed. Once we do we will proceed with the purchases.
  • Budget
    • Buddipole items have been purchased and received.
      • New 9.5 foot telescoping whips and 2 22″ arms
    • A3 Shack upgrades
      • Tower $1000
      • Rotor $500
      • Antenna SteppIR DB18E ~$5000
    • A3 Antenna
      • Vertical HF Antenna $1000

Field Day Planning

  • Use EMCOM Trailer at VC1
  • Coordinate with Security to move trailer and reserve VC1 – Kirk
  • Clean/Configure Trailer Volunteer Day(s) [Kirk will invite us]
    • Set up VHF Stations
    • Set Up HF Station
    • Reinstall Power Supplies
    • Semi permanent Flexible mounting methods
    • Antennas
      • HF –  Buddipole, Crank IR
      • VHF Built in to trailer?
      • Masts?
      • Anything to purchase?

HAM Radio Video

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Kirk, Wayne, and Teresa were in attendance in person and several people called in.

We have a new logo courtesy of Tom’s wife. Thank you!

Our new club banner

Currently the club has over $7K in our bank account. Kirk’s spending proposal is to do A2 shack upgrades: $1K for a tower, $500 for a rotor, and $5K for a nice StepIR antenna. Also we need to spend a little on Buddipole repair. We need to spend the funds this year because next year we want to ask for money to refurbish the A3 shack if the safety department turns it over to us.

Upcoming events: main one is Field Day June 22-23. The plan this year is to use the trailer in the VC1 parking lot. This configuration is more like a real emergency so we should “test like we fly.” It will also allow for more public access without having to go through badging and escorting and all.

Field Day Logo

We watched a video on JS8 and JS8Call, a new digital mode. Info is available at js8call.com.

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Audio from the meeting
JS8 Video that we watched

January 2019 Club Meeting

We held our January AEA Amateur Radio Club meeting on Thursday January 31, 2019 at 11:30 AM in A3 dining room B.

Attendees were:

  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Bob Lanahand KK6WYW
  • Judy Kerner KK6GCB
  • Jason Bayonne
  • Andrew Lin KM6TWS
  • Ryan Noguchi (via Skype)
  • Thomas Fagan (via Skype)
  • Victor Lin (via Skype)

During the meeting we had a presentation and demonstration of Winlink Global Radio Email by Bob Lanahan

Winlink demo image
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Audio of the January 2019 meeting

Dec 2018 Monthly Club Meeting

We held our December Monthly AEA Amateur Radio Club meeting on 13 December, at 11:00 am at the Proud Bird restaurant. It was a fun holiday experience, some of the spouses joined us too. Kirk Crawford, the club president, made a presentation of the club activities over the past year. We selected new officers. Kirk and Bob held their positions as president and secretary. Mr Albert Leong became our new treasurer, replacing Joe Barger. Our vice president position remains vacant. We also held a club raffle. There were a total of 7 lucky winners, with Albert taking first prize.

Our topics included:
Kirk’s radio club, a year in review presentation
Club Officers
Club Raffle

Additional topics:

Future Meeting topics:
Jan – Bob – VHF Winlink Demo

Attendees were:
Kirk Crawford
Wayne & Gail Fenner
Ching Kong
Bob Lanahan
Ryan Neguchi
Tom Essenpreis
Philip Martzen
Anthony Lim
Joe Barger
Mike Stanitis
Bob Oberto
Mark Clayson
Ray Russell
Don Taylor
Archie Buchanan

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Nov 2018 Monthly Club Meeting

We held our November Monthly AEA Amateur Radio Club meeting on 29 November, at 11:30 am. We met in building A3, conference room 2226. Bob Lanahan briefed us on his antenna hunt experience and plans for a repeater setup in building A8. We had skype up via the laptop, to share our presentation charts and audio. We also made an audio recording of the meeting. Link to the charts and audio is below.

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Our topics included:

  1. Kirk’s club status charts
  2. Bob’s Antenna hunt charts
  3. Bob’s repeater plan charts – agreed we would proceed
  4. Additional topics:
    • New antenna for A3 shack – working with safety office
    • Safety training to install the new antenna
  5. Future Meeting topics:
    • Dec – Club Holiday Party on 13 Dec at the Proud Bird
    • Jan – Bob – VHF Winlink Demo
  6. Attendees were:
    • Kirk Crawford – KK6KC
    • Wayne Fenner – KE6GDP
    • Margot Wasz – KM6JWY
    • Ching Kong – KJ6QBI
    • Bob Lanahan – KK6WYW
    • Judy Kerner (Skype)
    • Ryan Naguchi (Skype)
    • Victor Lee (Skype)

Oct 2018 Monthly Club Meeting

We held our October Monthly AEA Amateur Radio Club meeting on  8 November, at 11:30 am.  We met in building A3, conference room 1607-B (Dining Room B).  Mr Ryan Noguchi briefed us on how to work amateur radio satellites.  We had Skype up via the laptop, to  share our presentation charts and audio. We also made an audio recording of the meeting. Links to the charts and audio is below.

2018-10 Slides

Operating the Amateur Radio Satellites

Our topics included:

  1. Kirk’s club status chart
  2. Ryan’s Satellite briefing
  3. Additional topics:
    • New antenna for A3 shack
    • Safety training to install the new antenna
    • RF pager, high output power on A3 roof during antenna install

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  4. Future Meeting topics:
    • Nov 28 – Bob – Directional Antenna Fox Hunt
    • Dec – Club Holiday Party on 13 Dec at the Proud Bird
    • Jan – Bob – VHF Winlink Demo or Repeater Briefing
  5. Attendees were:
    • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
    • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
    • Ryan Noguchi
    • Ching Kong KJ6QBI
    • Bob Lanahan KK6WYW
    • Ray Russell
    • Shayne Keller KM6RB
    • Margot Wasz KM6JWY
    • Andrew Lin KM6TWS
    • Jeffrey Light KE0ESU via Skype
    • Victor Lin KK6RZO  via Skype


At 11:45 AM on 27 Sep we had our meeting of the AEA Amateur Radio Club. We met in building A3, conference room 1607B. We had Skype up via the laptop, we shared our presentation charts, audio was fair, with drop-outs. We did not have an audio recording of the meeting.

Our topics included:

    1. Chantilly Ham Shack briefing – Tom
    2. Slides: Octoberfest, Upcoming events, club banner – Kirk
    3. Additional topics:
      • RF shack assessment, why does all our radio equipment have new stickers?
      • Safety & Facility Office is working to give us permission to install replacement HF antenna on the A2 building roof

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    4. Future meeting topics are as follows:
      • Oct – Bob – Directional Antenna Fox Hunt
      • Nov – Ryan – Satellite Contact
      • Dec – Club Holiday Party on 13 Dec at the Proud Bird
      • Jan – Bob – VHF Winlink Demo

Slides for September Meeting

Attendees were:

  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
  • Bob Lanahan KK6WYW
  • Ryan Noguchi (Skype)
  • Jeff Light (Skype)
  • Michael Stanitis (Skype)

73, Bob Lanahan

Aug 2018 Club Meeting

At 11:30 AM on 30 Aug, 2018 we had our meeting of the AEA Amateur Radio Club. We met in building A3, conferene room 2009F. We had Skype up, to share our presentation charts and audio. We also made an audio recording of the meeting.

Our topics included:
1) Kirk’s Vacation Mobile APRS setup
2) AEA October Festival
3) Holiday Party reminder, Proud Bird on 13 Dec
4) We also discussed that Clark would run the morning net-calls, as Ching has an 8 am conflict.
5) Tom will talk about the Chantilly Shack next month

2018-08 Slides

Audio Recording of the meeting:
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Attendees were:
– Kirk Crawford KK6KC
– Ching Kong KJ6QBI
– Wayne Wheller K6AHH
– Bob Lanahan KK6WYW

Bob Lanahan

AEA Amateur Radio Club