Article I -- NAME
This organization shall be known as the "AEA GAMING CLUB," an affiliate of the Aerospace
Employees Association, a non-profit organization.
Article II -- PURPOSE
The purpose of the AEA GAMING CLUB (AEAGC) is to provide a forum for participating in and exchanging information and experiences on a wide variety of gaming opportunities, including conflict simulations, tactical and strategic board games, role playing games, and multi-player computer games.
1. Eligibility
There are five categories of membership as defined below:
Regular Members
- Category M-1: Any individual employed by The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California.
- Category M-2: Member status retained by those employees who are retired from The Aerospace Corporation.
Associate Members
Category A-1: Any military or civil service employee assigned to the Los Angeles Air Force Base.
- Category A-2: Member status retained by retired Air Force or civil service employees.
- Category A-3: Spouses or dependents of a Regular Member or Associate member, along with any other persons whose membership is felt to be in the best interest of the Club, are eligible for Sponsored Associate membership in the Club. They may not vote in the election of officers, or on the disbursement of Club funds.
2. Membership
The terms membership and member apply to all Regular Members and Associate Members.
- Any Member may be summarily expelled from the AEAGC by a majority vote of the Executive Board if they:
- willfully fail to abide by the AEAGC rules and Bylaws.
- exhibit conduct detrimental to the AEAGC.
- show a disregard for AEAGC interests or property.
- show a disregard for the safety and welfare of other members.
- Neither the AEA nor the AEAGC assumes any liability for members who are participating in AEAGC or AEA-sponsored activities.
- No individual member shall be entitled to any right or interest whatsoever in any property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, of the AEAGC or of the AEA at any time.
3. Dues
Dues are payable by October 1 of each year and shall provide membership privileges for the fiscal year. The AEAGC fiscal year is defined as October 1 through September 30. Any person whose dues have not been paid by October 1 will lose all membership privileges.
- Dues for Regular Members shall be no less than five dollars ($5.00) and no more than twenty ($20.00) per year.
- Dues for Associate Members shall be at least one ($1.00) more per year than the amount set for Regular Members.
- Dues for the subsequent fiscal year, including any pro-rating schedule for partial year membership, shall be set by the Executive Board in July of the current year. The reasons for any change in the amount of dues shall be communicated to the membership prior to distribution of membership applications for the next year.
The affairs of the AEAGC shall be under the direction of the AEAGC Executive Board (Board).
1. The Board shall consist of the following officers:
Vice Presidents
2. The Board shall be elected annually by the Membership in September and shall serve for the following fiscal year. When an eligible replacement is available for an officer who has already served two or more consecutive terms in the same position the incumbent shall withdraw in favor of the replacement.
3. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
4. The Board may appoint others in the Membership to assist in performing its duties as required. Perquisites for such appointees shall be established by the president.
5. The Board shall have the authority to fill a vacancy in the Board for the current year.
6. Any member of the Board may be removed for lack of active participation by a majority vote of the Board. A Board member may resign at any time after giving 30 days notice to the Board.
Article V -- OFFICERS
1. No Officer may be an owner of, or be affiliated with, a hobby shop or gaming store.
2. Only category M-1 Members may hold the office of the PRESIDENT.
3. The duties of AEAGC Officers shall be those usually associated with their respective offices in addition to the following:
- The PRESIDENT shall preside at all general membership and Executive Board meetings; appoint all committees; have general supervision of the work of the club; serve as an ex-officio member of all committees of the AEAGC; transmit to the Board for its approval or disapproval all ideas and plans proposed which affect the AEAGC or the Membership; and take no action binding upon the AEAGC without either specific prior authorization or pending subsequent ratification by the Board.
- The VICE PRESIDENT shall maintain the AEAGC inventory and make a list of this inventory available to all members. The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, take over the duties of the President. If the office of President is vacated during the tenure of office, the Vice President shall assume the office of President.
- The SECRETARY shall have custody of the AEAGC Bylaws, all correspondence, other records and documents of the AEAGC; keep accurate records of the Board meetings and activities of the AEAGC; keep an up-to-date Membership list; be responsible for coordinating the list of prospective nominees to the Board; and prepare the ballot for the September election of the Board.
- The TREASURER shall receive and disburse, with the approval of the Board, all AEAGC funds and keep accurate account of them; transmit the accounts and all undistributed funds to the successor Treasurer; and provide regular accounting to the Board.
Article VI -- MEETINGS
The following meetings shall be authorized by the Board.
1. Executive Board Meetings
- The President shall call a meeting of the Board as needed, but no less than twice a year. Notice of Board meetings shall be given to all Board members by the Secretary. If a Board member cannot be notified, the Secretary shall so certify to the Board at the meeting.
- Other meetings may be called by any three Board members.
- AEAGC Members may attend Board Meetings in a non-voting capacity.
2. General Membership Meetings
- There will be a General Membership Meeting held each year for the purpose of holding elections and discussing club business for the coming year. Additional meetings may be held at the discretion of the Board.
- Gaming nights will be held periodically for the express purpose of social gaming. All members are welcome. Gaming nights will be advertised by the Secretary.
1. Any AEAGC member can nominate themselves or any other member for any Officer position. Only M-1 members may be nominated for the office of President. Nominations shall be held during the month of August. Nominations shall be submitted to the Election Committee as defined by the Board.
2. The names of the nominees shall be sent to the Membership for vote by the Election Committee. Ballots with the complete list of candidates shall be prepared by the Secretary and sent to the Membership by the first week in September.
3. The Membership may vote for no more than the number of positions being filled. The candidates with the highest number of votes for each position shall be elected.
4. The deadline for return of ballots be determined by the Election Committee. The ballots shall be counted by the Election Committee.
5. The newly elected Members of the Board shall take office on October 1.
The following committees may be authorized by the Board:
1. Committees may be established by the Board. Committee members shall be appointed by the Board for a one-year term. The committees shall perform their duties in accordance with Board direction and shall be monitored by the Board. Committee members may attend Board Meetings in a non-voting capacity. Committee chairmen may be voting members of the Board at the discretion of the President.
1. AEAGC assets shall consist of games, reference books, gaming materials and other items purchased by or donated to the AEAGC.
2. AEAGC assets shall be maintained and controlled by individual AEAGC members (custodians). A list identifying the custodian for each asset will be maintained by the Vice President.
3. Access to club assets is provided to the membership with the understanding that the following rules will be adhered to:
- Copyrighted material borrowed from the library shall not be duplicated unless specifically permitted by the copyright.
- Items shall be returned by the agreed upon time unless an extension has been granted by the appropriate custodian.
- Items must be returned in the same condition as loaned.
4. If the above understandings are not adhered to the Board may restrict or discontinue the borrowing privileges of the member involved.
5. An AEAGC member who borrows equipment or materials from the AEAGC is responsible for those items.
6. If the materials are lost or stolen while in the possession of the AEAGC member, that AEAGC member shall have responsibility for replacing the items within a time acceptable to the AEAGC Board.
7. At the discretion of the Board, a reimbursement as determined by the Board may be substituted in place of replacement of missing items.
1. The Constitution and Bylaws of the AEA shall take precedence over these Bylaws in case of conflicting statements.
2. Roberts Rules of Order, newly revised, shall be the Parliamentary authority for all cases not covered explicitly by these Bylaws.
Article XI -- FINANCES
1. Checks drawn on the funds of the AEAGC shall be signed by two Board members in accordance with the signature card on file at the bank holding the AEAGC's business account.
2. In August of each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall present an annual report on the status of the AEAGC's finances to the Board and provide a copy for the President to forward to the AEA.
3. The Board may appoint three members to make a year-end audit at the end of the fiscal year, and shall report on the audit at the next general meeting following the audit.
1. Amendments may be proposed either by the Board or by a petition signed by at least ten percent (10%) of the membership.
2. Notification of proposed amendments shall be sent to all Members by the Secretary. The Secretary will coordinate the vote on proposed amendments. Only active, paid Members may vote on proposed amendments.
3. Amendments shall require an affirmative vote of sixty percent of the participating Members for ratification.